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Talkback: Your emails about Prince, The Beach Boys, and The Boss

I pretty much always ask for your (my faithful, wonderful readers) input/stories/thoughts about each article I write. I request that you send me your responses via my email addy. Many of you did and continue to do just that, and I am grateful. Your responses to questions about legendary Miami Valley concerts, Ohio musical memories, and cool celebrity encounters in Dayton always amaze and amuse me.

I’m going to share some of the most recent emails I’ve gotten. For the folks who sent these to me, thanks again.

Here’s an…interesting response from Steven to my article about The Beach Boys:

"Hi Greg, I saw your post about shows that the Beach Boys have performed in our area. My first show was in fact a Beach Boys show at Kings Island in the summer of 1982. I was 6 years old! My father took my brother and me and his mistress at the time. Unfortunately, my mother and her friend showed up too to spy on my father.  That was the first of many shows that they have done that I have seen. They always put on a good show regardless of the lineup." 

A brief but to the point account from Libby of a Heart concert in Ohio:

"Took my granddaughter & daughter for my goddaugher's graduation present Joan Jett was there too!!!! Great show"

Another quick hit and run email, this time from Cynthia about Prince rocking in Ohio:

"It was fantastic I was about 21 me and group of friends attended"

Here’s a really cool response I got from Rachel about this article aboutlocal Dayton early 90’s rock bands:

"Just wanted to say “thanks” for the music contributions to WYSO’s site. I love them! Maybe because I’m of a certain age…lol. My husband and I remember Canal Street Tavern well. Found memories. Dayton is truly unique in its music contributions. It’s nice to be reminded "

I wrote an article about the TV commercial for a classic Aerosmith album. A reader named Phil sent me this:

"Hi, Greg and thanks for sharing your post on how this album got promoted.  I was a sophomore in high school when this album came out.  I had no idea it was promoted this way.  I'm a big music guy so I was following rock and roll back then with a passion. I think someone told me about this album, so I bought it.  My reaction was "WOW".  I had been listening to every rock group back then and was familiar with the sound that each group produced.  There was something about this album that told me this band was special.  The album starts out with "Same Old Song and Dance", with the Brecker Brothers playing sax.  On a rock album!  Each song on the album was so good and playable.  BTW--I had no idea they had a first album which I listened to and thought it was ok.

I consider this album their best because every song was solid.  "Rocks" and "Toys in the Attic" were very good but didn't have the number of great songs."

Here’s a word from a mailbox regular, Paul, about a Bruce Springsteen concert experience:

"I know this is my third time writing about Springsteen. What can I say? The dude is cool.

Not only was I there, but I took photos.   I had just started taking concert photos in 1975 so I was still learning.  Band had a lot of movement of course, so a telephoto lens with no flash wasn't a choice I'd make today.  Still, I got some fun photos that night from about 15 rows back on the aisle."

Check out this message from Cathy sent after this article about The Osmonds performing in Columbus in the 1970’s:

"I saw the Osmonds every year at the Ohio State Fair starting in 1972. The videos you shared are mine. I got them from Alan Osmond. No one other than The Osmonds had a copy of the fans running to grab their spot. It was an awesome experience. I met other fans who became my friends. Here is a picture of me from the video. I am sitting right behind the girl with the purple shirt.  I met Marie and Mrs. Osmond that day, because my sister passed out. I didn't meet any of the others until the late 90s and Donny in 2000 for the first time."

Here’s another letter about the same Columbus show from a different reader, Ann:

"I was there, did not want to wait in line to see them.  I bitched and moaned, but we finally got in and I was hooked on the Osmonds!  I went home and bot a 45 song that Donny sang.  Can't member which one but several albums later and I was in love!"

Thanks again to all of you who read my articles and to those who also send me letters. If you want to drop me a line about cool music/entertainment based stories, hit me here at grgsmms@gmail.com.

Rock on.

Greg Simms Jr. is a veteran content creator and cultural expert who's worked for numerous digital publications over the years. He's a resident of Greene County, but he's always aware of social-cultural events happening all over the Miami Valley. To contact Greg, email him at: grgsmmsjr@gmail.com