Great Miami Buried Valley Aquifer currently has a good “balance” of water flowing in and out of it. The Miami Conservancy District wants to know if exporting water from this local resource across watersheds or state borders is feasible.
The Miami Conservancy District has activated its flood control measures after heavy rain.
Visitors at Miami Valley Conservancy District's open house visited different stations and asked questions to MCD staff about their work and the dam and levee system’s operations.
The Miami Conservancy District worked with with Five Rivers MetroParks to practice installing a 200-foot-long temporary floodwall at RiverScape MetroPark.
Darke County is the 10th county in the state to join forces with the Miami Conservancy District. County leaders hope the new deal will help them track data and get ahead of the problem.
The Miami Conservancy District said the improvements will extend the life of the trails for several decades.
When it storms, Dorothy Stebbins can tell you exactly how much rain has fallen.
Since the recent hurricanes in the gulf region and the Caribbean, University of Dayton professor Bob Brecha has turned his attention to how the Miami…
Sustainability has become a buzzword over the past few years, but the Miami Valley has a tradition of at least a century of sustainable thinking. During…
This month marks the 100-year anniversary of the Miami Conservancy District, the flood protection system that was installed up and down the Great Miami…
A few years back, Bob Moore of Yellow Springs took his kids to the public library where he found a shelf of books by local authors. There he discovered…
Human-caused climate change is expected to have devastating effects across the country and world. The Midwest is somewhat insulated from extremes of…