Large, chain gas stations — Sheetz, WaWa, Buc-ees and more — are moving into the state at a rapid pace. WYSO explored the mixed feelings some Ohioans have about the impact of these companies setting up shop.
According to Gasbuddy, gas prices are expected to fall nearly 13 cents per gallon this year.
Sports Betting Advertising Concerns; Biden Announces Over $1 Billion for Brent Spence Bridge; Gasoline Prices Prediction; Culture Works Grants
Gas prices expected to drop, but there will be “pain at the pump in the year ahead.”
Gas prices are expected to reach a record breaking level this Thanksgiving week.
A portion of the funds will be allocated towards improving access to healthcare in the Dayton-area.
One expert predicts gas cost could surpass five dollars a gallon in Ohio by mid-June
There are a couple of reasons why experts think the price of gas is currently higher than the same time last year.
Gas prices are hefty across the country as Thanksgiving weekend approaches and President Joe Biden has announced a plan to tap federal oil reserves to help alleviate the higher costs. Cleveland-area residents aren’t sure how to feel about the decision.
The price of oil plunged last week, and gas prices followed suit. Low prices are great for consumers but are problematic for road construction. Kentucky...
Ohioans have just a couple of days to fill up before the new statewide gas tax goes into effect.
Members of the Ohio House and Senate reached a deal to raise the gas tax by 10.5 cents beginning in July. The lawmakers say that will be enough to help...