In the months leading up to the midterms, Ohio election officials tried to make their computer systems harder to hack. They role-played how to handle cyberattacks and received help from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. They say last week’s vote went off without major cybersecurity problems. Now they have to prepare for an even bigger election—the 2020 presidential race.
The maps of Ohio’s 2018 election results for governor , attorney general , auditor , secretary of state and treasurer look a lot like the 2016 Ohio...
For the third time in four years, Ohio voters soundly rejected a constitutional amendment that cost supporters millions to put on the ballot. There is...
Democrats will keep their hold on the Montgomery County Commission as Carolyn Rice bested Republican Challenger Doug Barry. Rice won with 53% of the vote.…
Dayton voters yesterday overwhelmingly voted in favor of decriminalizing minor marijuana and hashish possession.Ballot Issue 8 passed with nearly…
Greene County Career Center Greene County voters have approved a 1.03-mill levy to fund a new vocational school program.The $62 million 20-year bond levy…
Ohio Senate District 5 In Ohio’s 5th Senate District, voters elected Republican Steve Huffman over his Democratic opponent Paul Bradley.Huffman is…
Ohio House of RepresentativesDistrict 40Voters Tuesday elected Montgomery County Sheriff Phil Plummer to represent Ohio House District 40. The Republican…
Republican Mike DeWine will be the new governor for Ohio. In one of the last state races called on Tuesday, DeWine picked up 51 percent of the vote.…
Incumbent GOP Congressman Mike Turner has held onto his seat against Democratic challenger and political newcomer Theresa Gasper.Turner's 10th District…
Clark County voters have re-elected Republican Kyle Koehler to represent Ohio House District 79. The two term incumbent faced newcomer Amanda Finrock, a…
Voters have rejected Ohio Ballot Issue One.The state constitutional amendment would have changed the way some low-level drug-related crimes are handled,…