I was only 2 years old in August of 1963, when those 250 thousand people converged on Washington. They traveled by car and train and chartered bus. Some just walked or hitchhiked. They came from all over the country.
Early in the day, at the Washington Monument, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez lead the crowds in singing "We Shall Overcome," and they proceeded to march peacefully to the foot of the Lincoln Memorial for more music and speeches. Mahalia Jackson sang, as she often did at Dr. King's request, and then Dr. King came to the podium.
To honor his words, we invited WYSO listeners to read his speech as we recorded their voices, and our presentation now is meant to celebrate Dr. King's words and the dream he described that day. He was introduced to the crowd by A. Phillip Randolph, at that time, one of the elder statesmen of the civil rights movement.
Thanks to our We Have a Dream Participants:
Seth Gordon, Anita Gordon, Alan Staiger, Debbie Lieberman, Jay Blunt, Noah Adams, Caressa Brown, Steve McQueen, Sho Maruyama, Eric Risher, Fr. Ulinzwenimana Lambert, Delaney Edwards, Corinne Pelzl, Nick Wilson, Tyrone Williams, Frann Reichert, Niki Dakota, Pastor Bill Randolph, Anthony Pettiford, Jody Pettiford, John E. Fleming, Barbara Fleming, Sterling Wiggins, Steve Bognar, Andree Bognar, Juliet Fromholt, Julia Reichert, Andreas Valdez, Jenny Valdez, Bob Lucas, Luke Dennis, Silas Buehrig, Ella Buehrig, Jocelyn Robinson, Katie Egart, Al Denman, Mike Reichert, Malcolm Blunt, Crystal Whetstone, Lida Boutis, Holly LeMaster, Addison Pettiford, Kaylin Breed, Diana Mushimyedata, Hunter Johnson, Juanita Sinae, Robert Sinae and everyone who helped make this project possible.