A nationwide protest against mass incarceration came to Dayton Tuesday. It was one of about 30 rallies organized by the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.
More than 75 protesters showed up at Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton, and marched three city blocks holding signs and chanting. The group stopped traffic for a few minutes doing a die-in in front of the courthouse.
Anthony Roebuck, 23, helped organize the local rally.
"Black people are considered guilty until proven innocent and that must change and will change, starting right here in Dayton, Ohio," he said.
Alyssa Norman of the Ohio Student Association explained that people of color are disproportionately affected by mass incarceration.
"We're here to make a statement that they will no longer lock us up without us having something to say," she said.
Dayton City Manager Warren Price was there for the rally, and he said law enforcement didn't make any arrests and the protesters' message was heard. There was no conflict between police and protesters.