Some writers head to the woods for inspiration. The Words in the Hills retreat in southeast Ohio's Hocking Hills provides a place for them to gather in nature.
The role playing game Dungeons & Dragons has been enjoying a boom in popularity. The TV show Stranger Things has spawned a new generation of players. Expert players are live streaming online for thousands of fans. And here, in the Miami Valley, one local writer is putting together a Monster Manual he hopes will help save some real life animals from extinction.
Vick Mickunas' 2021 interview with Lawrence Block
Andy Martin spent a year shadowing the best-selling author Lee Child. Child allowed Martin to watch him as he was writing another one of his novels in the…
When Chris and Megan Burnside moved to Dayton about a year they immediately saw a thriving arts community and were drawn to a lot of the collaborative…
Verlyn Klinkenborg is one of my favorite writers. He just published a wonderful book about writing. In "Several Short Sentences about Writing" Klinkenborg…