The second installment of the SOCHE Talks feature Chris Burns-Dibiasio, Director of Community Relations at Wilmington College. Today she talks about Wilmington's Grow Food Grow Hope Project.
00000173-90ba-d20e-a9f3-93ba72970000The SOCHE Talks program is designed to enlighten the world with knowledge from primarily institutions of higher education in southwest Ohio. Inspired by the TED Talks, each episode is approximately 10 to 15 minutes in length on a unique topic that reflects the wealth and diversity of knowledge emanating from the region's numerous colleges and universities.Developed in collaboration with ThinkTV, WYSO and the Southwest Ohio Council for Higher Education, SOCHE Talks cover a range of topics, including amazing algae, creativity and innovation, teaching Chinese to American students, the impact of alcohol on the student brain, and the power of higher education. These – and other exciting topics – feature initiatives and new research from a variety of talented thinkers.