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What's Great in Dayton: August 16 - 22, 2024

Shakespeare in South Park's annual outdoor production is this weekend.
Shakespeare in South Park's annual outdoor production is this weekend.

Charlie Campbell's picks for what to do and see this week in southwest Ohio.

Come Together: Come Together: A Rooftop Beatles Tribute Festival is a family friendly nod to The Beatles’ final concert. It's playing from the roof of The Yellow Cab tonight & Saturday at 6:30pm.

Shakespeare in South Park: Shakespeare South Park is doing Love's Labour's Lost. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Donations gratefully accepted. It's tonight, Saturday & Sunday at 8pm.

Dayton Porchfest: Porchfest is Saturday. Free mini concerts are on porches throughout St. Anne's Hill. It starts at noon and goes till 7pm.

Sweet Corn Festival: The famous Sweet Corn Festival in Fairborn is this weekend. Favorites such as steamed cooked sweet corn, BBQ chicken, pork chop sandwiches, plenty of others, and fresh cut watermelon. Also, art and crafts for everyone.

The Dayton African American Cultural Festival: At the Dayton African American Cultural Festival you celebrate the richness of African American experience through activities that promote art, education, and health. Go to Riverscape in downtown Dayton Saturday noon to 8 and Sunday noon to 6.

Summer concerts at the Levitt: Bring your lawn chair, blanket, cooler and picnic basket to Levitt Pavilion Dayton. Concerts are at 7pm and are free. Tonight, Toubab Krewe which is West Africa, and Saturday is Funk Amplified which is Dayton Funk Festival.

The Ohio Country: The Ohio Country is a 12 episode podcast providing a perspective on Ohio history that very few of us learned in school. The American Indian people are at the center of a refreshed version of our state’s complicated past. Listen to them right here on wyso.org/podcast/the-ohio-country

Charlie Campbell wants to spread the news of so many wonderful aspects in the greater Dayton area. He is a cheerleader and a real believer that our area is the place to be. He has been active in this area for almost 40 years and you can hear him weekly at WYSO.