The program was funded by grant money from the Health Resources and Services Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Funding from a state revitalization program has helped Ohio counties demolish and clean up dilapidated buildings. In rural communities, neglected infrastructure offers plenty of potential sites.
Two health care units have closed in Miami County early this year. Premier Health closed its labor and delivery unit in Upper Valley Medical Center in February, and Kettering Health closed its ER in Piqua.
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Sharon Kennedy outlines a loan repayment plan designed to help in "law service deserts."
Over the last couple decades, rural Ohio has turned into a reliably Republican part of the country, but there are a couple blue dots in that big red sea. Take, for example, Shelly Hayes.
Some small towns in the Midwest are growing due to an influx of immigrants, which includes some who speak rare languages. Hospitals and community leaders have had to adapt to make COVID vaccines accessible to those communities.
The Lincoln Scholars program at Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine aims to train up-and-coming physicians to work in rural areas by providing them with rural clinical experience right off the bat.
The Ohio Department of Agriculture has identified a livestock animal veterinary shortage in Southwest Ohio. Some farmers are having to do more of the health care work for their animals on their own.
A new generation of medical students and residents are learning to practice medicine in rural America. Will they stay?
Transferring critically ill patients is becoming increasingly difficult, according to hospital leaders, government officials and industry advocates. Patients are spending hours — or sometimes days — in rural hospital emergency rooms waiting for an ambulance.
62% of rural Americans voted for Donald Trump for president four years ago, according to exit polls conducted by The New York Times. Ohio's farmland was Trumpland in 2016, and Trump is depending on a repeat of that, since no Republican has lost Ohio and still won the White House. But Democratic nominee Joe Biden is hoping to make some inroads or at least chip away at Trump's dominance in rural Ohio.
Ohio’s state health order mandates all non-essential retail businesses stay closed until May 12, with the exception of pickup, delivery and…