After installing a Christmas light archway on their street, the Wonderly Avenue couple was asked to remove the decorations from public spaces by a city worker.
Afromeals, a food company that currently operates in Dayton, Cincinnati and Springfield, will offer cooking classes in Fairborn starting in January.
This weekend, you can tour some of Dayton's best and most interesting gardens...
Oakwood joins a growing list of local police departments that want to start wearing body cameras in 2021. Dayton and Kettering also want cameras.
In 2016, Oakwood decided to put part of the city on a diet, but nobody had to give up any doughnuts. This was what transportation planners refer to as a…
Oakwood city officials are promising to review police policies and continue a program in anti-bias training for officers.At an Oakwood City Council…
A regularly scheduled Oakwood City Council Monday night addressed a recent report alleging Oakwood Police pull over a disproportionate number of black…
Black drivers are pulled over in Oakwood more often than other drivers: this is one of the findings in a new report alleging the city also tickets black…
A tax reform bill passed in the Ohio statehouse Wednesday has lots of city and town leaders riled up. The bill, HB 5, set out to reform local income taxes…