In this edition of WYSO Weekend:
- Foster Home Shortage: There is a shortage of foster homes in Ohio, and local service agencies say it was a chronic problem made worse by the pandemic. To find out more about this, WYSO’s Jerry Kenney Spoke with Craig Rickett - associate director of Montgomery County Job and Family Services Children's Services Division.
- CULTURE COUCH: AIRSTREAM MUSEUM TRIBUTE: One of Wally Byam’s favorite pastimes was hiking and camping. But, his wife Marion didn’t share his love of sleeping on the ground in a tent. So, Wally decided to come up with a way that they could go camping together where she would be comfortable and enjoy it as well…..and the Airstream travel trailer was born. Wally’s legacy is now on display at the newly opened Airstream Heritage Center in Jackson Center. Renee Wilde visited the museum to bring us this story for Culture Couch.
- Ira Glass benefit: WYSO General Manager, Luke Dennis talks about the upcoming appearance of public radio icon, Ira Glass. Ira will deliver a unique talk; sharing lessons from his life and career in storytelling. During his presentation, Glass will mix stories live onstage and help his audience better follow the creative process of one of our foremost storytellers.
- A man with the heart of a Shovel Bum: They’re called "Shovel bums" -- the oddballs and vibrant souls who do under-the-radar archaeology at construction projects all over the world. The photo Springfielder Chris Hazel forwarded to go with this story makes it clear he is one of them. A childhood love of Indiana Jones movies propelled him to study at the University of Chicago, then into a career in archaeology. And though he’s now settled in his hometown for good, he arrived with a pocket of round-the-world Indy-type adventures he shared with WYSO Clark County reporter Tom Stafford.