On this edition of Kaleidoscope, WYSO's Juliet Fromholt spoke to guests from Butler Tech School of the Arts and a group of students performed in three interchangeable bands. Each band played an original song of varying genres, from indie pop to rock and roll.
Best described as title music for a coming-of-age movie on a particularly melancholy day, “Where Do The Kids Go?” is a song played by the first band from Butler Tech featuring ethereal guitar and keys, coupled with a pulsating drum beat and wistful lyrics. The second band performed a song that compares two different characters with an array of differences, striking the point home with the lyrics, “You look for diamonds, but I look for jade.” Exhibiting a whirlwind of emotions, this song lures the listener onto the edge of their seat. The third and final band’s “Set Me Free” is a rock-and-roll-esque track that compels any listener to get up and dance around with an electrifying melody and ground-stomping lyrics.
Digital production and summary by Jessie Tejera-Fabian