After a 6 month delay Ohio school officials (today) released school report cards for 2011-2012. The state’s data scrubbing investigation delayed the report cards. The investigation continues to cast a cloud on some grades.
Finally, Ohioans get to see their schools’ ratings in the nice, clean PDF format they’re used to, instead of those confusing and incomplete spreadsheets the Department of Education released in the fall.
But some of the report cards are stamped with watermarks that read: “district results under review.”
An investigation by State Auditor Dave Yost found evidence of student attendance data manipulation in nine districts. Every report card in those districts bears the watermark.
“Whether they had an issue or not,” says John Charlton with the Ohio Department of Education. He says even though data rigging is suspected in each of the districts, that doesn’t mean every school in a district participated. – still their grades are “under review”
“Unfortunately some of the innocent will suffer with the guilty but they’ve all been watermarked,” says Charlton.
Districts accused of scrubbing include Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Toledo and Canton.
Charlton says the education department has taken over the auditor’s investigation. He’s not sure when that will be complete, but he says it’s likely the grades of at least some of those districts with watermarks will have to be changed.