The United Senior Services Center in downtown Springfield will be extending their winter hours to remain open on Saturdays. The new hours are:
- Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m to 7 p.m.
- Friday from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The center will still be closed on Sundays.
Kyle Farnbauch, the Director of Program Development at USS, says the change will allow working adults additional opportunities to use their facility to prevent isolation on the weekends.
“There’s a large audience here in Clark County and in the surrounding area that are still working but are at that age where they’re eligible for membership. So, we’re excited to see some of those working individuals come in on a Saturday morning and use the fitness center or get in the pool and try something out.”
On weekdays, the United Senior Services Center offers scheduled activities and classes like bingo, painting, and quilting. On Saturdays, members will be able to use the pool, fitness center, pickleball courts, and the billiards room. These activities will be open for people to come in on their own schedules.
Farnbauch says that the center will not be hiring teachers for classes on Saturdays.
“Right now, all of the activities that we are going to offer on our weekend Saturday hours are going to be drop-in. We’re starting with activities that don’t require a ton of hands-on involvement from staff. So, it will be kinda a nice way to ease into it," Farnbauch said.
The USS will be hiring an additional program assistant and custodial staff. The hiring process for these positions has already begun.
The majority of the funding for the extended hours and additional staff will come from the Support Senior Services Levy in Clark County. This property tax will be back on the ballot on November 7.
Additional money for the center comes from its yearly membership fee. Clark County residents pay $15 and out-of-county residents pay $50. To be a member, a person must be over 55-years-old.
The new hours will begin Oct. 7 and will last through the winter months. The additional hours will be re-evaluated on March 30, 2024. If enough residents come in on Saturdays, the center will consider making the day open year round.
“We’re hoping with the weekend schedule we can introduce a new audience to USS as well as bring people out of their homes,” Farnbauch said.