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Boogie to Ohio’s own 1979 Disco Dance Machine toy

Ohio has been home to a number of important inventions in the last few decades. The traffic signal. The gas mask. Flight. But, there’s an unearthed doozy that may have topped them all.

In 1979, legendary Ohio based (former) toy manufacturer Ohio Art dropped the Disco Dance Machine on us. The toy played pre-programed disco music and came equipped with a microphone, so kids could say…something while other kids danced to the music from the machine. You can see a thorough demonstration in the video below.

Disco for kids. Ahhhh, the ‘70’s.

Did your parents buy you a Disco Dance Machine in 1979? If so, tell me how cool it was via my email addy: grgsmmsjr@gmail.com.

Greg Simms Jr. is a veteran content creator and cultural expert who's worked for numerous digital publications over the years. He's a resident of Greene County, but he's always aware of social-cultural events happening all over the Miami Valley. To contact Greg, email him at: grgsmmsjr@gmail.com