First Friday: Tonight, all things going on in downtown Dayton for First Friday. Check out what, where, and when on your Facebook. And if you go to Front Street, find a special gallery called “The Betty.”
Dawn Patrol Rendezvous: Tomorrow, Saturday, you can check out all kind of World War I aircraft. It's called the Dawn Patrol Rendezvous at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, 9am to 5pm.
Street Fair is back in Yellow Springs: Right here in Yellow Spring is The Fall Yellow Springs Street Fair! Experience Yellow Springs with over 250 vendors, 65 shops and eateries, 2 stages of music and entertainment and a beer fest…9am to 5pm.
Full moon walk: October brings us the Hunter’s Moon, so called because it signaled a time to start gathering for the winter months. On Saturday go to Aullwood for the full moon walk to explore this season. Dress to be outside and bring a flashlight if you'd like. 6:30 to 8pm.
A holiday shopping experience: The Little Exchange is a store in Oakwood that 100% supports Dayton Children’s Hospital. There are a limited number of shoppers per hour so get tickets for a fun-filled holiday shopping experience!
Voter registration: The deadline for your voter registration is October 11 for the November 8th General Election. Make you are registered at: